Learning Council

At St Michael’s the  Learning Council is made up with two nominated representatives from each year group from Year 2 to Year 6. Every pupil in the school has an opportunity to stand for elections and vote for who they wish to represent them on the council. The representatives act as liaison officers between the council and their peers. The children discuss ideas as a class prior to meetings and the reps take these ideas to the council where all collective ideas are discussed and decisions made about how to take these ideas forward. The outcomes are then fed back to the classes.

The Learning Council arrange lots of extra activities within the school and act as the pupil voice. Some of the many activities the council have done are-
  • Co-ordinated St Michael's Got Talent
  • Arranged fund raising days
  • Taken part in the creation of a quilt for our consortium
  • Taken part in cake bakes to raise money for the school
  • Fed back to the headteacher regarding menu choices
  • Given advice and suggestions about areas of the curriculum