Remote Education


The school is not currently operating remote education, but should we need to revert to it, below parents can find information regarding Google Classroom.



Home Learning


Home Learning

Google Classroom

We are are now using Google Classroom to enable all of our pupils to access home learning and to learn from home when in isolation. 

Every child has a unique login to the Classroom.

Google Classroom is a safe and secure solution for children to access learning materials directly from their class teachers; a location in which they can collaborate with their peers by sharing useful websites and tips to completing assignments; a hub to allow blended learning direct from their school classrooms into the comfort of their own homes.

By clicking the image above, you will be taken directly to the Google Classroom webpage. On the right, you will see an option to sign-in. Once in, you will be in your class page.

If you require any help or support with your child's learning please dojo your child's class teacher.

Please click here to watch a YouTube clip on how to login into Google Chrome and Classroom at home.

 Google Classroom Introduction.docx.pdfDownload
 Google ClassRoom Letter to Parents .docx.pdfDownload
 Home Learning Expectations Document .pdfDownload
 KS2 Google Classroom Pupil Use Agreement.pdfDownload
 Live Learning Expectations.pdfDownload
 Nursery, Reception and KS1 Google Classroom Pupil Use Agreement.pdfDownload
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